Ability to duplicate forms in form builder
Mia Nicolacoudis
In cases where we have a form that has elements that we need in another form, it would be nice to be able to copy an existing form so that we can add new questions but keep the questions that already existed in the original form. For instance, we have an intake assessment form that has questions assessing the potential participants' functional ability, but we also have to complete dependency profiles every few months. Recently, we updated our dependency profiles to include the same questions as the intake assessment with some additional edits, and because there was no ability to duplicate the intake assessment form and then edit the copy and change the form to be titled as the dependency profile, I had to recreate the same questions that could have been copied over from the intake assessment form.
Ana Alves
Hello, Mia! StoriiCare currently offers the ability to copy a form template - and therefore copy the existing questions on a form while maintaining the original form -, and also the ability to copy a form entry and make modifications and edit the title. If you would like to share more details about your request or understand how we can assist you with the functionality I mentioned above, please contact support@storii.com and book a support session.