MAR - Various
Ben Robertson
It is really helpful that the End Date entry in the MAR hashes out dates later than the end date when exported, it would be great if the Start Date also did this by hashing out dates prior to that start date on the exported MAR.
Secondly, the 'Main Diagnosis' section on the MAR - could this be modifiable like the other sections so we can direct where this is pulling information from? Mostly so we can direct this to the Medical Conditions field.
Finally - It would be great if we could set highlight colours for administration times. So the first row could all be highlighted yellow for instance (or whatever we choose).
Taylor Vander Well
Taylor Vander Well
Thank you! This is super helpful. We have added these suggestions to our roadmap. We also plan to update the 'times to administer' box to be separated entry boxes.
Cameron Graham
Hi Ben,
Thank you for the suggestions!
Your first request makes perfect sense and has been added to our roadmap.
We will discuss customizing the Main Diagnosis field and get back to you.
RE the highlight colours, do you have a de-identified example of this you could share with us?
Ben Robertson
Cameron Graham: Thanks Cameron, that's great.
Forgive my attempts at using Paint, but if we could identify highlights for specified administration times like this first image (as an example), so that this carries over on to the generated MAR. This would be useful for supporting staff to quickly identify all morning medication, for example. Effectively it is a way to colour code the individual rows, or even just the cell with the time in it.
It would also be nice if the tags (which are a great addition) would carry over to the MAR too, as we could use that for a similar outcome.
Cameron Graham
Ben Robertson: Thank you for this Ben! (Paint is helpful!)
We're discussing this with the team in order to get it on the roadmap. Keep an eye on our product updates!