Aside from the other In Progress request relating to the export of Outcomes, I would really love to see more functionality for the analysis and/or reporting on outcomes, as well as more functionality to the Outcomes module itself. For the Outcomes module, it would be helpful to have: * Outcome scores - either from a set list (custom, such as 'very pleased, pleased, etc) or numeric score * Outcome types or categories - such as 'health and wellbeing', 'social inclusion' etc - again ideally custom * custom Outcome questions - much like the change to Care Plan questions * somewhere to flag an outcome as a short, medium or long-term objective Then, it would also be amazing if Outcomes could be included in the Analytics/Trends section both within StoriiCare sites and the Group Portal, including options to view and report on data relating to the above features and others, such as: * count of outcomes total and per tenant *count split by short, medium or long term *count by outcome type * average scores of outcomes generally * average scores by outcome type * average progress status (from milestones perhaps) of Outcomes * all of this by service from the Group Portal And probably more! This is quite a lot I realise, but anything which will enable a more outcomes focused analysis/reporting feature would be great. The existing analysis and reporting tools are quite quantitative (demographic, activities completed, tasks created, notes made etc) and less qualitative which for us is far more important, particularly when it comes to outcomes.